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Launching Friday – dakota rae dust statement jewellery

Peruse pieces from ‘JEWELLED’…

An iridescent gem adorned collection of dakota rae dust Statement jewellery, ahead of Tomorrow night’s official launch


A portrait photo of Cidella, a young black woman with short lilac hair wearing a bright pink top and a colourful pair of laser cut fabric earrings and bib necklace
Cidella wears a pair of lilac / light blue Statement jewel earrings and an orange / pink jewel bib necklace

Accessorise your special occasion sequins or add some sparkle to next monday’s morning zoom with some striking Statement Jewellery . . .


JEWELLED is a collection of unusual statement earrings and necklaces inspired by vintage costume jewellery. Layered fan and frill fabric components run throughout the range and are adorned with lovingly hand stitched, rainbow light reflecting, teardrop shaped iridescent jewels.

Almost EVERY fabric in this collection of laser cut and vinyl printed textile jewellery is recycled. The light blue shirt fabric, navy T-shirt jersey and retro purple and blue floral curtain fabric were all sourced in my local charity shops before being washed and repurposed. Only the lilac fabric is new.

Visit ‘JEWELLED to peruse the pieces below after 8pm on Friday 24th September.


A block of six photos. Each one shows a piece of lilac and light blue laser cut jewellery. A large bib necklace, a tassel pendant necklace held in a white hand against a plain white wall, a close up of a hand holding a selection of jewelled earrings, a pair of tassel earrings held in a white hand, a white woman with brown hair wearing the same jewelled earrings and a smaller pair of lilac and light blue earrings are held between a woman's thumb and fore finger against a white background.
This lilac and light blue release includes five pieces of laser cut fabric jewellery.


top left – Jewelled Statement Bib Necklace, top centre – Jewelled Tassel Pendant Necklace, top right – Statement Jewel Earrings, bottom left – Jewelled Statement Tassel Earrings, bottom centre – Statement Jewel Earrings modelled by Alice, bottom right – Jewelled Dangly Earrings



A young woman wearing a bright pink patterned, long sleeved lycra crop, lilac statement earrings and a pendant necklace with a long cord is looking down at the ground and smiling.
Leony wears a L.O.M Fashion long sleeved crop top, Statement jewel earrings and a Tassel pendant necklace


This month’s lilac and light blue colour combination was chosen using generous customer feedback gathered on instagram stories, but I LOVE this new design too much to limit it to one colourway. I intend to update the range regularly with exciting new colours and foraged fabric finds.

(shhhhh . . .  a little tip off for any fans of FLUORO . . . bright orange and pink are up next!)


This images contains three photographs of a young woman with brown hair and a soft, grown out fringe modelling a pair of dakota rae dust Statement jewel earrings and a bright pink, patterned lycra crop top with long, fluorescent fringe trimmed sleeves. In each images she is posing with her hand behind her head showing off the long fringe.
Leony wears a pair of Statement jewel earrings, Statement jewel bib necklace and fluorescent fringe trimmed crop top by L.O.M Fashion


I went all out with this colourful, festival inspired Statement Jewellery shoot which featured clothing from L.O.M Fashion and was photographed in front of some colourful Bristol BS2 street art and local community garden foliage by Peach Portman Photography.

It was my first time using professional models and it was A LOT OF FUN!!! bIG LOVE to Leony and Cid. You were brilliant X


‘JEWELLED’ will be available to shop from 8pm Friday 24th September.


Why not explore more dakota rae dust Statement jewellery OR Add some JOYFUL colour to your instagram feed by following me @dakotaraedust


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